
A Lot is Happening

The floors are finally in, although they got covered up before I could get a good picture. We used reclaimed fir for the floors. I won't soon forget how the ever-present moisture almost torpedoed our project.

They were installed two weeks ago. I definitely breathed a lot easier after that.

Once the floors the done, things really started to pick up. The kitchen came in, the base board, window trim, and the stair container were all completed.

Painting started this week. We picked white (surprise!) for all the walls.

The Deck

Deck was all assembled last week. We chose tight knot cedar which ought to last about 15 years or so as long as we re apply protective coating every two years.

We're planning on using the left over material for plant containers.

Not really sure how we'll be using this space, but it looks and feels great. We have water and gas running up to it and a few overhanging trees. I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time up there.


2nd Floor and Roof

1st Floor

Yikes, it's been a minute since the last post. Walls are primed and paneling on the downstairs "cube" is complete. The sub-floor is STILL too wet to install hardwood (salvaged doug fir). We moved it into house though so the moisture-content will match up. We're hoping it will all go in next week. Kitchen cabinets are being assembled off-site. The progress feels slow, but we're inching closer to the move-in date.